Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Ready, set, go,
This summer I had some surgery and couldn't do a lot of exercise, so me and the girls decided to start walking at the new sports park on their new walking trail. We put the boys on their skooters and the girls and Connor in the strollers and away we go. It has been fun. Kade even brings a friend.
Lauryn found this cat in the yard,(I think its the neighbors) and she was determined that she was going to catch it and she did.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Joshuas birthday

Must be good cake, look at those faces
Lauryn, Spencer and Leah enjoying cake and ice cream

Joshua opening his birthday presents

Leah and spencer having cake and ice cream

It has been a few weeks since I updated this thing. I'm just not very good at this I guess. Not a whole lot has happened. My life if boring compared to Jennifer. It brings back memories of when I had 5 kids in 7 years. So Jen there is a light at the end of the tunnel it's just dim right now.

Joshua had a birthday on Sept 25, so they came down on Sunday and we all had dinner and cake and ice cream. He is now 6 and just started kindergaten this year.